It's intriguing to dissect and observe so many fascinating designs and get inspired. I can only imagine how much hard work, time, heart and soul goes into every one of these collections.
I did have some favorites, yet I think the whole fashion show was just fantastic. The music, the models, the lighting, the set , the hosts, the crowd- were all so inspiring. I love the great energy that comes with this type of production, it makes me want to dance and I get super excited for everyone that is involved. There is something about performances, shows, plays etc that I find very fascinating since I know it involves a lot of time and work of many extremely talented people and when the show starts - that is just it, every one's contribution is then showcased, The show is ON! Also it's about the impact and atmosphere that you came to experience sort of like the end result of an amazing design project -the pieces come together and the beautiful showstopping moment is unveiled!
I love fashion shows! Tell me your fashion show experiances?
Design by Kristin Hassan photo via ChicagoTribune
Above photos via TimeOut Chicago